Foreword Witch Book 2023 (written May 2022)

Foreword Witch Book 2023 (written May 2022)

My dear readers, I would like to welcome you to The Witch Book 2023 and I would like to thank you again this year for your support and trust. It has been a difficult time and my sincere condolences go out to all who have lost loved ones.
I thank all those who, despite all the difficulties and personal suffering, have kept their courage and optimism, their kindness and humanity. Especially in difficult times it is important to do good, stick together, think of others and never give up hope. Never forget that
after a storm the sun shines again!

The change from Kronos (Saturn) on December 17, 2020 to Aquarius as a zodiac sign that he traditionally rules brought good opportunities to reconsider and restructure social standards.
The main focus was on collective togetherness, social justice, community movements shaped by humanity and the anchoring of meritocracy. Ares will pass in Gemini from August 2022 to March 2023, reinforcing the fighting spirit that will further fuel change. It then turns retrograde and its influence weakens from October 30, 2022 to early 2023

Previously, Kronos, who, like Uranus, is one of the unpredictable greats, ruled in the sign of Capricorn and this has triggered significant changes worldwide in the last three years:
diseases, pandemics, wars and natural disasters with far-reaching humanitarian consequences have accumulated and kept and keep the world in suspense Breath. From these global events, Kronos is forcing a collective mobilization that will be felt well into 2023: more and more people are standing up to defend their freedom and rights and to fight for a better quality of life.

Kronos reminds us that the rich and the poor, the successful and the losers all live in the same reality. Bosses who were used to getting everything and, for example, traveling unhindered, realized what it was like to be restricted during the Corona pandemic. They, too, had to stand in line like everyone else to get the vaccine and bend to the rules. Thousands of people lost their lives and thousands lost someone they loved, needed and who was closely connected to their life.

The pandemic will also always be associated with the memory of revolutionary uprisings:
people who took to the streets to fight for their freedom rights and self-determination. Globally, we are entering a historic era in which it will become normal to fight back against imposed restrictions and controls and to fight for rights, freedom and autonomy.

In the only book of astrology that I dared to publish in 2020, months before the pandemic broke out, I mentioned the influence of Kronos (= Coronos = Corona) on our lives according to the horoscope and I would like to give you some advice from this analysis of that time . From an astrological point of view, the pandemic will recede in 2023. However, this does not mean that it will disappear, but that it will become less important in the face of other important events. The focus of attention will shift.
Extreme meteorological and natural phenomena, earthquakes, floods, fires and wars over dwindling resources will cause incalculable damage to economies around the world, resulting in population movements and fundamental changes in the way we live.

The pandemic with all its restrictions, rules and also certain emergencies should teach us respect for human values ​​on the one hand, but also skills to secure our (survival) life ourselves in an emergency. She showed us how important it is that we can take care of ourselves in an emergency. She showed us that we should take precautions and be mentally, physically and also materially prepared in order to create security for ourselves and our loved ones.

2023 is the third of a pivotal five years aimed at changing the way people live and the course of history. No one can know what dimensions a coming catastrophe will possibly have. But perhaps we will be challenged to live without electricity, clean water and adequate food supplies for a while. The pandemic has sharpened our senses for this. Even if it is human nature to trust in the security we are used to, it is important to be alert to the changes around us in order to be able to react in good time and take precautions.

With light and love

Nick WD Goodman

(Excerpt from The Witch Book 2023)

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