Warning – A real destructive global situation is coming – Be careful and pray!

I would first like to thank all of you for your blessings and your messages.
I try to reply to everything, patience to those I could not reply to.
This year has been devastating for the entire world, what we have experienced will be a Historical horror and proof of the signs of the times we live in.
Disease, wars, disorder and uprisings of the people everywhere, even in my beloved America.
The media and political systems have failed to contribute to the welfare and security of the people. The virus that came out should not be seen as a lie, it is a truth that has changed the world.
In my Witchbook 2022 I wrote about what is coming and what we should watch out for. There is an eternal war between good and evil that we humans are not to know about.
Our brain is blocked so that we cannot use it in its entirety and so we cannot even perceive what is happening in front of us, let alone perceive what is happening in other dimensions and in other worlds. My engagement with the secret teachings of Pythagoras revealed to me that reality is not what we were taught in school or what is taught in universities today. There are limits within this mental world and the vast universe that is not as vast as it should be. 13 Suns with 12 planets each! That’s all.
To make a long story short, all my astrological and metaphysical data led me already in 2019 and the Astrology book that was published talked about the entry of Saturn (Coronus) and the devastating consequences that will unfold up to 2024, where there will be a new reality for all those who are destined to live it.

There will be no superpowers and no rich countries or poor countries. There will only be countries that will exist and countries that will not exist.

There will be no rich and poor, only survivors.
Today, and as the forces of darkness have orchestrated plans that are currently in the process of being implemented, people are unable to understand what is really happening. Even spiritual people are dumbfounded!

I know that many of you are praying and I ask you not to stop praying.
It is important in these hours, days, weeks to pray that whatever good you believe will show compassion and kindness and perhaps find other ways to stop the threat.
The threat is the dark plans that are gradually being implemented to enslave all of humanity with money, that damnable money that also led Jesus Christ to Calvary and the Crucifixion!
So this money which is a lifeless piece of paper has no value to the one who produces it, it is paper and ink and as they have now managed to do they don’t even need paper, everything is digital!
So as long as some people have the privilege to print as much as they want and where they want they are also able to control everything that is bought on earth, TV channels and newspapers, political parties and prime ministers. Of course they are not just bought off with paper money but with gold bars, which are sent to all governments worldwide,

There are very few obstacles to their achieving absolute supremacy and taking away every democratic constitutional right of the people. But around all of this there is the ultimate power that also has its own plans, the loving triune God OON will stop their plans once and for all. We must also consider in what conditions the future of humanity, which is children, is growing up. The pedagogical system and the influences of the New World Order are doing everything to make the future of mankind an Oon without logic and values.

The prophecy of the Red Bear

Since I was a small child I have known a prophecy that was passed down from generation to generation so that it would not be lost.
The prophecy spoke of the Red Bear’s clash with the forces of evil, to lead to the final showdown that would take place on the ancient plain of Aradish or as others call it the plain of Armageddon.

The red bear was mentioned yesterday July 1, 2021 in an interview published by former US President Donald Trump and I immediately grasped the spiritual message that I had well hidden in my memory. Specifically, the journalist asked the American president if he meant Russia and he did not want to comment further.

As I write to you there are about 100 warships and as many fully equipped NATO warplanes on the Russian sovereign sea border with Ukraine.
What is about to happen has been signed by our own creator and none of the world’s leaders have sufficiently calculated the cascading effects that could lead to a catastrophe unlike any man has seen in the last 5,000 years
In parallel with this, the war in Syria is heating up again and is being moved to Iran, the old Persia!

The red bear is unpredictable and currently has the yellow dragon (China) watching its back.
The red bear does not forgive treachery, the red bear may want to cross the Euphrates River and head for the holy city of Jerusalem!

At this point I will not go any further and I will ask you not to forget that the struggle in our days is mainly spiritual and you must purify your spirit and mind and your body.

Pray, there’s a big jolt coming.

With Light and Love

Nik W.D. Goodman

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